Semi-Private Yoga in Sebastopol

Come decompress and attend to your mind, body and spirit while in a semi-private, small group setting. Small classes allow each class to be guided by the needs of the individuals attending, so each one is different, sometimes slower and more gentle, sometimes dynamic, strength-building flowing movements. Through guided deep breathing, relaxation practices and heart-centered movement, students can release stress and gain a sense of calm, while walking away feeling stronger and refreshed.

Poses and pace will be tailored to suit individual students. All body types, ages, and skill levels welcome. No prior yoga experience required. Vaccination or testing is required.


Thursdays from 9:45-10:45am


Private land in Sebastopol in the warmer months, and indoors in winter


Sliding scale $20-30. Attendance limited to five people
Email , call or text me at 925-348-1540 24 hours before showing up to your first class to confirm there is space available.


Yoga mat, strap with buckle, one or two yoga blocks, water bottle