A Sensual Partner Thai Massage and Tantric Dinner Experience

This Valentine's Day explore your playful side with a sensual partner Thai massage and tantric dinner experience.

Bring a partner, lover or a friend. This container offers a unique opportunity to relate deeply to another person-whether it’s a friend, a romantic partner, or your spouse.

The evening is a different kind of sense activation experience using partner Thai massage, tantric exercises, and a blindfolded sensual dinner. The massage time includes giving and receiving touch in a consent-based environment. Partners rely on each other's support to keep correct body alignment, balance, and focus in postures, reaffirming trust in each other and communication.

The blindfolded sensual dinner is an experience of enlivening our senses with tantric practices and food. In partners, Alyssa will guide you to open your kundalini energy with breath work, conscious eating, and taking turns blindfolding each other for an unforgettable dining experience.

This special Valentine's event includes a gourmet dinner catered by once local chef Tami Grooney. The evening will be adorned with sweet and sensual treats, rose petals, and lots of nourishment for the heart, body, and soul!


Partner Thai Massage 5-7pm

Break 7-7:30pm

Sensual Tantric Dinner 7:30-9:30pm


Wednesday, February 14th



Soft Medicine Sanctuary

186 N Main St Suite 120, Sebastopol, CA 95472


Early bird $100-130 per person until January 31st

January 31st to February 9th $140-160

Scholarships available

Purchase Tickets Here

Sierra (RYT E-200, CMT) is an experienced yoga teacher, body-worker and retreat leader. She runs a private Yoga Therapy and Thai Massage Therapy practice, Sierra Laurel Yoga. Sierra loves leading groups into deeper experiences using partner yoga, self-massage and Thai massage to awaken our innate ability to love ourselves and each other more fully and become better caretakers of our world. 

Alyssa has been studying, practicing, and teaching Tantra and sacred sexuality internationally for over 20 years. She facilitates Tantra events in the SF Bay Area under the name Reverence, and has a private practice, where she works with individuals and couples in strengthening their relationships by finding their unique sexual fulfillment and transcendental levels of ecstasy.