Taking Care of Ourselves: A Restorative Yoga Workshop

Poses which relax and restore the mind, body and spirit are an essential part of a yoga practice. But, for many of us, slowing down doesn’t feel like an option. Or, it feels like something we have to earn. We know that if we don’t rest, if we don’t hit pause or set boundaries around our time and work schedule, it will be a disservice for everyone in our lives (including ourselves). When we rest it gives us the opportunity to step back and take in the bigger picture. It helps with making tough decisions and processing hard emotions. It lends itself to creativity and inspiration. It helps us manage stress, regulate hormones and reduce pain.

This workshop is your opportunity to finally set aside the time you need to rest – while receiving all the help you’ll need through guided meditation, deep relaxation-producing breathing techniques, and a luxurious amount of props to support you.

Date and Time

February 26th from 3:00-5:00pm


Yoga Amansala: 217 Park Street Alameda, CA.


Cost: $45
