Seven Sacred Falls Hike on Mt. Tamalpais

This is one of the most beautiful hikes on Mt. Tamalpais with over 7 cascading waterfalls in just 2 miles! It is a steep trail, and maybe muddy, but we will take our sweet time stopping at each waterfall and learning about the ecology on the way.

This hike will entice the senses with the smell of moist moss and waterfall mist. Be prepared to find a profound connection with nature and all her bounty.

At the top, we will do a short guided group yoga session. (no yoga mat needed)

Bring your own water, snacks, boots, layers and openness to connecting with nature on a deeper level.

The $15 includes guided hike and yoga as well as teachable moments about the local ecology. If you would rather pay cash at the event or if funds are an issue, please contact us.

The hike is less than 5 miles round trip. Meet at 2:30pm for a stretching circle. We will start hiking by 2:45.

Hike will be cancelled, and refunds given, if rain is in the forecast.

COVID-19 protocol:
- Max group size is 10.
- You *MUST* bring a mask to any event, but only wear it if we pass people on a trail.
- Always maintain a 6 ft distance from everyone when unmasked
- DO NOT attend if you are sick, coughing, sneezing, or have been around anyone who is sick.
- Please change your RSVP if you cannot attend or you show any symptoms

Message below with any questions or concerns.

By signing up for this hike, you agree to the following:
I recognize that there are risks associated with participating in group hikes. I assume full responsibility for personal injury, including disease-carrying insect bites, to myself and family members. I agree to indemnify and release from liability the leaders of this group against all claims, causes of action, damages, judgments, costs or expenses, including attorney fees which may arise.

To register:

Paypal: $15 per person to

Venmo: Sierra-Wagner-6
