We Are All In This Together: A Meditation For Remembering Our Oneness

While we are on lockdown it is even more important than ever for our mental health to open up our hearts and minds. As the corona virus is effecting all of our lives, I offer you a meditation you can listen to in under 12 minutes to create a greater sense of harmony and contentment with yourself and the world we are living in.

In this Letting Go of Ego audio meditation we examine the part of the mind, called the ego, that mediates between the conscious and the unconscious and is responsible for creating your reality and a sense of personal identity. Having a healthy sense of yourself and letting go of the parts of your ego that are not serving you can shift stuck, unhealthy thought patterns (samskaras) and help you open your awareness and relax into what is true right now with less anxiety and fear.

I guide you in identifying your limiting ideas about who you are in order to see the oneness we all share. From this point of expanded awareness we have more choices in how we think and feel, which can effect our relationship with ourselves, those we are sheltering in place with and everyone we relate to.